A scholarly looking man in his mid 30s, Rego runs an occult shop in Alestia's mercantile district. Formerly of Shima No Hitokage, Rego supposedly fled from his former homeland to escape the second class citizen status relegated to his kind. While not a manifest, he possessed enough spark to cast minor spells, but that just wasn't good enough in the Isle of Shadows. Unable to access the knowledge and power available to full-blooded mages, he left and eventually ended up in Alestia. He enrolled in and quickly graduated from Alestia's school of Thaumaturgical Studies and is a well read expert on the occult. Despite his educated demeanor, he can handle himself as well as any seasoned criminal, a trait that comes in handy when dealing with those shady contacts he's made throughout the years in order to get his hands on certain magical items and materials.

He appears to have several ties to the “merchants” of the Congress of Trade States, and it is through them that he acquires most of his stock. There are also rumors that he works as a magical fence for the Alestian underworld and even more disturbing, that he's actually a spy for the Shima No Hitokage, assigned to keep an eye for nascent mages in Alestia and report those of particular significance to his masters, that they might be “recruited”.