Stepham Waterwick

Stepham Stepham is 19 years old, almost 20, and is the eldest child of the Baron of Waterfell, and, as such, set to inherit the title and the Barony someday. He has always been good friends with Baronetess Thiery Esington, as her family's business is one of the most important ones within their Barony and their parents have always worked very closely together.

Stepham is a good guy, and very protective of Thiery. Most people within their social circle have always known the two would get together, so they have just stayed back and watched and waited for whenever it would happen. Recently, at Thiery's 17th birthday party, there was an incident whereby Stepham kissed her. She freaked out, they fought, and were on the outs for a while.

But recently the two seem to have made up, and now seem to be dating, although Stepham or Thiery have yet to confirm this.