The Nation of Hanarajah

Capital: Kahanaa
Population: 20,000,000 ( 90% Human, 5% Demihuman, 5% Humanoid)
Government: Monarchy
Cities of Note: Predesh, Rahikesh, Taripur

The nation of Hanarajah is currently immersed in civil turmoil, as a radical group has taken over the ruling of the empire from the shadows behind the throne. The current, aged rulers remain, but have no power other than as figureheads.

The citizens notice more and more armed patrols crowding the streets of the capital city, Kahanaa, these days as they attempt to go on with the daily grind, while new and ridiculous laws flow down from the royal palace daily. The populace grows more and more concerned as these laws begin to restrict their daily lives and the flow of business into and out of the country. A hope remains, though, as the crown prince of the nation is missing, and as most secretly hope, remains free from the influence of the radicals.