I think Lana's annoyed that I keep bringing all these girls over to our place. First Deena and Faye, then that mysterious Tina chick from the Vietnamese market. I still haven't figured out what she is. I haven't let them meet yet. Not that there would be a problem with them meeting, I'm not dating any of them, we're just hanging out and having fun. I just think it would get too confusing if both Deena and Tina were around. It would be like, “Which one of us were you talking to?”

In any case, Deena and Faye had come over for a break since they had finals in a couple of weeks and just wanted to cut loose a little before going into study mode. I guess Lana thought we were being a little too noisy because she stormed out of there. I keep wanting her to hang out with me and the girls one night. No, not for some wild and crazy orgy. Not that I would be averse to such a thing if it did happen. But I don't want her to feel left out if I have other people over.

I think she was steamed at me for a couple of days, but we more or less made up when we hit the mall to get an outfit for her for the upcoming Summer court box social. Lana's an attractive girl, but her fashion sense isn't so keen. We hit a few stores, and I managed to find a hot little number for her that would be sure to turn heads at the party.

The party started off well. There were a few ensorcelled mortals there in addition to changelings, and I went around picking people's brains on how to broach the whole ensorcellment thing. I feel bad keeping that part of my life quiet from Deena and Faye, and I want to stop lying and keeping secrets. After talking with some folks, I think I got some good advice.

Alas, the night took a turn for the worse. It started getting noticably colder in the room, and people started drifting off to sleep. Then all of a sudden gates showed up at both exits and the Huntsman showed up with a couple of dozen Briar wolves, who started dragging people through the gates. I went to wake up Violet since she was the Queen and hopefully knew what to do. Then I ran to try and stop the wolves from dragging people off.

Violet and the other court heads Jennifer, Sylvan and Massimo (since Nehemiah had been gone on some mysterious trip for the past few weeks) went to challenge the Huntsman, and I tussled with some wolves. I managed to take a few out, but I was grossly outnumbered. Lana, Jake, and Holden had the right idea, attacking from range with the elements and makeshift molotov cocktails from the bar. I saw Lana getting ready to close the gate at the front door so people could get out. But stupid ugly archie was taking his sweet time getting out of the hedge.

Once he cleared the gate and Lana closed it, I rushed to retrieve the shotgun from my truck. I figured it would be more potent than trading blows with the wolves. Plus, I didn't want to get close to the Huntsman's wicked looking sword. I still owed him for Megan and the others all those years ago and I was going to blow his fool head off.

By the time I got back in, Sylvan was definitely dead, having been decapitated, and Jennifer, Violet, and Massimo lay still on the ground. The Huntsman lay in a pile of wet wolves with Jake trying to pelt him with electricity. I was gripped with some sort of unnatural fear that wanted me to run rather than face the Huntsman, but I managed to stifle it for a second and get off a lucky shot, which only blew off an antler. He started to run but a bolt of electricity felled him. Jake fried him for a good thirty seconds while I unloaded the rest of my shotgun into the bastard to make sure he was dead. I can only hope he's gone gone, avenging Megan's death like I promised I would.

In the end, it was too late to do anything for Jennifer, but Violet and Massimo survived their wounds. We were all pretty hurt, but we managed to get out of there before the cops could really question us. A good thing too, because when we saw the news report about it later, one of the ADAs under Nicole Vaughn was briefing the press, only we recognized her as the Snow Fairy!