So things have gone pear-shaped in the weeks following the attack on Glamour Shots by the Huntsman. The place closed down, and with most of the princes and their seconds dead or injured, the court system has basically fallen apart. No one is willing to get together in such large gatherings, or at least in the places they used to. Worse yet, changelings have started disappearing, which we suspect is ADA Snow Fairy's doing. So it seems everyone's going the way of the Winter Court and laying low. Jake's even been reclusive from the rest of us.

I'm not too content on hiding, and doing nothing, waiting for that Snow Fairy bitch to come and take us, but I can't do it alone. We need to organize, but with the state of things, that's gonna take a while. Particularly since we can't trust our usual gathering spots. Holden (who's started seeing this kinda cutie who's just as weird as he is) came up with a plan to get us a new hang out, whilst sullying the reputation of his doppleganger.

It involved getting some Jock's and Jill's closed down by getting them caught having minors getting drunk and doing scandalous things there with his doppleganger being involved with debauchery. Sounds convoluted, I know, but at the very least, gotta party with some wild and sexy nymphets, and even got to see Lana get down and dirty. Just got some footage of the whole party with various camcorders and camera phones, posted it to that new youtube site, and tipped off the cops. And waddaya know, the plan seems to have worked.

During the party though, this new changeling Knox showed up. He was new in town, wanting to meet up with people like him, and apparently Jake thought it would be funny to send him our way. We got him out of the way quickly before he accidentally threw a monkeywrench in our plans (or got caught in the inevitable police raid).

Lana called him up the next day to meet, and so we did. He is like from another decade. No, really, I think he said he was grabbed in the 40s or something, and only got out recently. He doesn't look that old, but I guess time flows screwy in Fairie. I think the modern day is blowing his mind with all the fancy doo-dads and thingies we have now. Anyways, we told him all about the recent happenings, and the Snow Fairy and wot-not. Turns out he's also very pro-active, which I can respect. But mebbe he's a little too enthusiastic.

We headed over to a payphone near Perimeter mall. He actually called the Snow Fairy to josh with her. I guess his boldness was quite helpful, since we found out she can enchant people with her voice. Lucky for Knoxy, he had a strong enough will to resist. Worried that she would trace the call, we split up. Sure enough, she ended up sending a couple of ensorcelled cops who could see our true nature to check things out.

I ended up going to the mall to lay low and chatted up this caramel honey and her cute banana friend who worked at Pacific Coast Sunwear. Meanwhile, Holden used his powers of disguise to send the cops on a wild goose chase, and then to grab the security footage from the camera at the gas station where the pay phone was, just in case.

But this is definitely not good. Not only is she able to mesmerize folks through the airwaves, she has cops and who knows who else on her payroll, who are able to see our true natures. We need to start warning the others.