So Jae Kwon let us know about an upcoming Goblin Market that might provide the answers we were looking for about the Snow Fairy and her weaknesses. We still had a week though, the market would be appearing in Piedmont Park, but not until the next full moon.

So, since we had time to kill, we decided to check out the other unknowns looking into the wiki, given that one of hits was from a connection going into Faerie. Also decided to check up on Tina. Even though it was just a coincidence we bumped into her when we were investigating “Attack of the Killer Goblin Fruit”, she did seem to have a mystical air about her. So I decided to ask her out on a date and see how that played out.

I picked Tina up at her apartment, and could sense something supernatural about some art pieces around her apartment. She said it was some stuff from her Vietnamese heritage, but she didn't know anything more about them. If she was lying I couldn't tell. I took her to dinner at Bones steakhouse, and we really hit it off. She invited me in “for Hot Coffee”, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Tina was an animal in the sack, especially liking me giving it to her doggy style. Afterward, I tried pressing her a little more about herself and the objects in her apartments. I freaked her out a little at one point, but luckily was able to cover. I decided to go a different tact and tried testing her abilities by doing a little wrestling on the bed. She held her own, though I couldn't tell if it was her martial arts training or some mystical enhancement. After rolling around for a bit, we got into it again. I'll have to see her again some time.

Knox wanted to check the hang-outs the “mystics types” (our kind, these vampires, werewolves, and mages we were told about) frequented to see if we could work backwards and find a link to Transcendental Enterprises at one of those places. We tried the Tickle & Spank first. Holden and I zeroed in the people who we sensed had a magical aura about them, pretending to be from Transcendental Enterprises. I didn't really get anywhere. The first chick was clueless about them, and since I was actually trying to get information and not try and nail her, I was kinda stumped as to how to proceed. I just started babbling on so she'd grow bored of me. There was a guy I tried chatting up, but since he was a guy, I didn't really know how to work it. Knox and Lana eventually came in and took over.

All we ended up finding out was this was the wrong place to be if we really were with Transcendental.

After that night, we called up Nehemiah, who arranged a meeting with that Darius King guy who we saw checking out the Wiki. He represented the Mage guild, but actually gave us some info on the vampires. Apparently Transcendental was one faction of vamps, and those at the Tickle & Spank were of another. He gave us the contact information of a Persephone Halifax if we wanted to know more.

Knox tried calling her, but she didn't call him back before it was time for the Goblin Market. I managed to pick up Glen Miller's leather jacket, and a book on Lawn Hydra care. I also managed to make a deal for some babies, so I could get them out of the Hedge. I ended up giving them to Kevin, who hopefully can either get them to who they belong to, or to someone who can take care of them. At least they're out now.

There actually was a book called “The Weaknesses of the Snow Fairy” at the market, but we didn't have what the goblin who had it wanted- a dying man's regrets, a tear of a maiden's first broken heart, and a baby's first breath. Hopefully we can find those at the market and be able to trade for them.