Rhys Drake Name: Rhys Drake
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'
Weight: 165lbs
Apparent Age: 25
Specialties: Administrative/Clerical Duties, Computers, Personal Assistance
Affiliations: Invictus, The Pack
Favored Weapons: HK USP45 Tactical
Vehicle: BMW M5
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Resilience 1


Once personal aide to the Ventrue Stephen Hallett, his master was one of the vampires killed by the Brotherhood of the Scion. Rhys was devastated by Stephen's death, as the two had a very close relationship, rumored to even be lovers. While The Prince assured Rhys that he would always have a place with the Invictus for his years of loyal service to Stephen, Rhys had a job other than personal aide to another vampire in mind. While he was very good at that particular job, Rhys wanted to instead help replenish the new Archon's depleted manpower. And so he asked Viktor if he could work for Tyrell.

Rhys in a rare moment of levity

Despite his former role, Rhys was a reasonably athletic man, having been on the wrestling and track teams in high school and college. And he knew how to shoot a gun. So, he wasn't totally ill suited for a job protecting the Invictus and its interests. Still, the Archon gave him a role organizing intelligence reports and helping administer the day to day running of the Invictus' security forces. Rhys would much prefer to be where the action is though.

Since his master's death, Rhys has been mostly hollow, unwaveringly performing his duties with quiet efficiency and without complaint. The only time he feels any emotion at all are on the rare occasions that he gets to go out into the field. There, when taking out enemies of the Invictus, he feels quiet rage and satisfaction, imagining his master's killers in place of those he kills.