Undercover Elly training a shotgun on a suspect Name: Elly Rush
Gender: Female
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'6“
Weight: 135lbs
Age: 32
Favored weapons: Glock 23, Remington 870
Vehicle: Ford Focus


Born to a cop dad and psychiatrist mom, Elly was an intelligent girl who graduated high school a year early. She could have gone to college and majored in anything and would have done quite well. But she always admired her dad, considering him her personal hero. So, Elly followed in his footsteps, graduating with a psychology degree in just three years before entering the police academy and finishing top of her class. She soon became the youngest homicide detective in the Atlanta police force.

Elly working on her computer at the stationIt was here that Elly met a young J.C. Mitchell, while she was investigating the death of his girlfriend. The investigation first pointed to him as a suspect, but it was Elly who discovered the real perpetrator was his father Miles. After the case, Elly befriended the teen, feeling sorry for his family situation. While most people see him as a jerk or a douche, she thinks he's just misunderstood. Most of the time, JC and Elly have a big sister/little brother vibe, but he'll occasionally flirt with her, which she finds cute and amusing. Now that he's older, she finds his attention more than a little flattering. Over the years, JC has come to her several times needing help with “something he's looking into for a friend.” Since they never seem to involve anything overtly criminal, she's helped him out, and the sometimes strange situations have piqued her personal curiosity.

With more than a decade on the force now, she has a wealth of experience under her belt and is well respected by her peers, including a young rookie cop named Tim Dodd. Like JC, she first met the young man while working a case- his ex-girlfriend, Megan Connelly, was suspected of killing Alan Booker, a man Megan accused of rape years ago. The girl suffered a mental breakdown, but since they never actually found a body, they had no cause to hold her. Tim had questioned her about the case, wanting to know what happened to his ex.

A couple of years later, Tim was on the force. He sought Elly out and told her of his desire to become a homicide detective, in the hopes that she could mentor him. Tim seemed to be an earnest and driven young man, so Elly thought she'd be doing good if she helped him become a better cop. He does seem to be a little nosy whenever a strange case comes across her desk or JC comes around asking for a favor, though.