I like my straw hat too Name: Karissa Madison
Gender: Female
Nationality: Australian
Age: 27
Height: 5'6“
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Nurse
Weapons: Straw hat

Karissa provided some kind of tactical coordination and monitoring for Aileen while Aileen still controlled her. But, along with Gregory, Karissa was silently attempting to undermine whatever it was that Aileen was up to, for she knew it could be nothing good. In order to help Heidi escape, Karissa offered up her body as “temporary” residence for Heidi's spirit, where the two would share it until Heidi was freed by her father.

Just because I'm not *quite* as sexually charged as Heidi  doesn't mean I'm not at all... Karissa, it seemed early-on, really disliked Dorian, whom she had to frequently work with. Turns out that they had some kind of relationship (of the adult nature) at one point, and things got kind of ugly. Dorian seemed to frequently tease Karissa about this, much to her irritation.

Later on, it seemed like Karissa might have something going on Joey, but no one is sure what came of that, if anything. It may've simply been Heidi's pushy sexual nature shoving its way to the forefront (Karissa really had no idea what she was in store for here, and admitted as much later, after Heidi had been safely returned to her own body).