Viktor Angelov Name: Viktor Angelov
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bulgarian
Apparent Age: 36
Actual Age: Unknown
Height: 6'1“
Weight: 155lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Clan: Ventrue
Alliegence: Invictus
Blood Potency: Unknown
Occupation: Prince of Atlanta

Viktor has been the Prince of Atlanta for the past 15 years, since his predecessor, mentor and sire's sudden and unexplained withdrawl. Victor has had the unfortunate timing of having to deal with a great deal of bad circumstances that have happened to the Invictus since that time.

The Invictus numbers have been devastated over his short reign (by Vampire standards) due in no small part to an unexpected political struggle between them and an up-and-coming group called the Brotherhood of Scion. Viktor and his competent subordinates, with some help from the Lancea Sanctum, managed to quell this huge problem before it exploded all over Atlanta.

Viktor himself is an aristocratic socialite; composure, competence and loyalty are of utmost importance to him. He rules the Invictus with a fairly calm and tolerant hand, far less strict and stuck in the old ways than his predecessor, allowing the masses to do basically what they want to as long as it doesn't bother anyone else, vampires or other supernatural beings, nor alert the mortals to their supernatural presence. Those who have remained loyal to him and do a good job at their tasks within the Invictus hierarchy are promoted swiftly and fairly.

It is said that the Prince's sole executive assistant is the radiant but flighty Marquess Persephone Halifax, and the Archon that Viktor recently promoted, Tyrell Nichols, has completely reorganized and reworked the Invictus's primary task force, The Pack, into a far more efficient and deadly group, which greatly pleases the Prince.