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Combat Cheatsheet

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Combat proceeds like this:

  1. Roll Initiative (all participants) once per combat.
    1. Roll 1d10 and add the result to the character's static DEX + COMP values
  2. Execute turns in descending order (highest result to lowest). For ties, see miscellany section.
  3. Dodge can be declared at any point by anyone before their turn (uses up their Action for the turn)
  4. Take any number of Reflexive Actions at any point in the round, including on your turn (as permitted by GM)
  5. On your Turn, take 1 Move, 1 Action, and N Reflexive Actions
  6. Attack is the main combat Action; attacker rolls appropriate (ATTR + Skill + Weapon Bonus Dice) - (Defense + Armor Rating for that damage type).
    1. Minimum 1 success is required to do damage.
    2. Successes apply as Damage to defender's health boxes, the damage type determined by weapon.
  7. On to next person in the turn order.


Things that take up your Action on your turn:

Specific Actions:


Special Circumstances



Determined by damage type (p175). Supernatural templates may alter this mechanic (such as Vampire).