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Character Sheet


Karma Career: 24 Unspent: 24


Physical Body: 3 Agility: 2 Reaction: 5(7) Strength: 3
Mental Willpower: 4 Logic: 5(7) Intuition: 3 Charisma: 2
Special Edge: 3 Essence: 2 Magic: 0 Resonance: 0
Limits Physical: 6 Mental: 9 Social: 4
Initiative Physical: 1d6+10 Matrix: 3d6+8(9) Matrix, Hot-Sim: 4d6+8(9)


Athleticism Lift/Carry: 45/30 kg. Walk: 4 yds. Run: 8 yds.
Reputation Street Cred: 2 Notoriety: 0 Public Awareness: 0
Interactions Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 5 Memory: 15


(penalties) -0 -0 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -4 -5 -5 -5 -6 -6 -6
(count) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Racial Traits: +2 dice pathogen/toxin resistance, thermographic vision, +20% Lifestyle cost.
Name Type Rating Notes
Analytical Mind Positive 5 KP +2 dice to Logic tests involving analysis, puzzles, clue hunting, etc. Also halves time required to solve a problem.
Juryrigger Positive 10 KP Allows exceptional temporary feats of improvised engineering, see SR5 page 75.
Photographic Memory Positive 6 KP +2 dice to all Memory tests.
Allergy Negative 10 KP Seafood, mild; -2 dice to Physical tests when affected by the allergy.
Prejudiced Negative 5 KP Gangers; -4 dice on related Social tests, +4 dice to their negotiation rolls.
Social Stress Negative 8 KP Past gang-related trauma; reduce number of 1's needed to glitch Etiquette/Leadership tests with gangs by one.


Skill Groups

Group Name Subskill Name Rating Attribute Modifiers
Electronics 5
Computer Logic
Hardware Logic
Software Logic

Active Skills, Ungrouped

Skill Name Rating Attribute Modifiers Specializations
Pilot Ground Craft 5 Reaction
Pilot Aircraft 5 Reaction
Pilot Walker 5 Reaction
Gunnery 6 Agility
Electronic Warfare 4 Logic
Locksmith 2 Agility
Automotive Mechanics 4 Logic
Aeronautic Mechanics 4 Logic
Industrial Mechanics 2 Logic
Armorer 4 Logic
Perception 3 Intuition
Pistols 1 Agility

Knowledge Skills

Skill Name Type Rating Attribute Modifiers Specializations
Engineering Professional 4 Logic
Metallurgy Academic 3 Logic
Physics Academic 3 Logic
Drone Design Academic 3 Logic
Atlanta Chop Shops Street 3 Intuition
20th Century Geek Culture Interest 2 Intuition
Flatvid Movies Interest 2 Intuition

Language Skills (Intuition)

Language Rating Modifiers Lingos
English N l33tspeak



Name Rating Modifiers Notes
Softweave Armor Jacket (racing style) 14 -2 Physical limit vs. knockdown, +6 armor vs. electrical, +50% capacity With gel packs, nonconductivity 6, electrochromic.
Helmet (racing style) +2 +6 toxin resistance With respirator (Rating 6).

Melee Weapons

Name Damage Reach Accuracy Armor Piercing Modifiers Notes
Unarmed 3S 0 6 0 0 n/a

Ranged Weapons

Name Type Damage Accuracy Modes Ammo Recoil Comp Armor Piercing Modifiers Accessories
Ruger Super Warhawk HP 9P 5(7) SS 6(cy) 2 -2 Wireless: +2 attack dice Smartgun (under)
Yamaha Pulsar Tas 7S(e) 5(7) SA 4(m) 2 -5 Wireless: Hit reads target's Condition; +2 attack dice Smartgun (top)

Other Gear

Name Rating Notes
Concealable quick-draw holster - For Ruger; -1 Concealability, -1 quick-draw threshold. Wireless: Additional -1 Concealability.
Hidden arm slide - For Pulsar; -1 Concealability, -2 quick-draw threshold. Wireless: Draw as Free Action.
Medkit 6 Adds 6 to First-Aid test limit. Wireless: +6 dice to First-Aid, or operate itself with 12 dice pool, limit 6. (handheld case)
Commlink 5 Up to 15 slaved devices.


Name Type Loyalty Connection Favor
Seamus Harper Mechanic 4 3 -
“Synergy” Decker 5 2 -


Lifestyle Cost Paid Options
Middle (Team) 2568 1 month Special work area (garage/workshop, +2 limit B/R tests), Obscure (-2 to Sneaking checks, owner excluded), Extra Secure (+1 level HTR).
Squatter 500 1 month Dangerous area (-1 level HTR).
Fake SIN Rating Fake Licenses
Jack Burton 4 Handgun/accessories permit-4, Concealed carry-4, Cyberware-4, Drones-4.
Upton O'Good 4



Augmentation Rating Notes Essence Cost
Control Rig 2 Jumped in: +2 dice to Vehicle tests, +2 Handling/Speed, -2 to Vehicle thresholds. Includes datajack (Wireless: Noise Red. 1). 2
Cyberdeck (RCC) 5 See RCC entry below. Includes biomonitor. 0.4
Cybereyes 2 Includes camera and image link. Enhancements: Smartlink, flare compensation, low-light, thermographic. 0.3
Reaction Enhancers 2 Adds rating to Reaction. 0.6


Augmentation Rating Notes Essence Cost
Cerebral Booster 2 Adds rating to Logic. 0.4
Mnemonic Enhancer 2 +2 dice to Knowledge, Language, and Memory-related tests, +2 to Mental Limit. 0.2
Sleep Regulator - Only need 3 hours sleep per night, can stay awake twice as long without penalties. Healing rest unaffected. 0.1

Vehicles / Drones

GMC Bulldog Step-van

Nothing to see here.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Pilot Sensor Seats Modifications
3/3 3 1 16 16 2 3 6 Rigger interface, standard weapon mount (pop-up turret), personality software “Jarvis”.
Sensor Option Rating Notes
Camera 6 Thermographic, low-light, and flare compensation.
Vision Magnification - 50 times zoom. From imaging scope.
Vision Enhancement 3 +3 to visual Perception limit. Wireless: +4 dice to visual Perception tests. From imaging scope.
Omni-directional Microphone 6 Audio enhancement 3 and select sound filter 2; +3 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice to audio Perception tests.
Olfactory Scanner 3 +3 dice to scent-based Perception tests.
Motion Sensor - Detect motion and drastic changes in ambient temperature within 25m.
Ultrasound 3 50m range. Switch between active and passive as a Free Action.
Atmosphere Sensor - Detects changes in weather patterns.
Radio Signal Scanner 6 E-Warfare+Logic(6) to detect wireless devices, 20m range. Silent-running (Logic+Sleaze) to defend. Wireless: Use rating instead of EW.
Geiger Counter - Measures radioactivity in immediate vicinity.
Weapon Type Damage Accuracy Modes Ammo Recoil AP Modifiers Attachments
Ares Alpha AR 11P 5(7) SA/BF/FA 250(belt) -18 -2 Wireless: +2 dice Smartgun (internal), imaging scope, airburst link, silencer/suppressor.
Grenade Launcher - 16P 4(6) SS 6(C) - -2 Wireless: +2 dice High-explosive grenades, Blast: -2/m
Customizations Rating Notes
Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint - Change vehicle's color/pattern/logo as a Complex Action.
Morphing License Plate - Change the plate's license number and even color.
Transponder Library (Spoof Chip) - Spoofs the vehicle's transponder codes in the Matrix.
Directional Jammer 6 Creates Noise 6 in 30 degree cone, -1 per 20m. Wireless: Will not affect devises/personas you designate.
Satellite Link 4 Limits Noise due to distance to -5. Retractable dish.
Anti-Theft System 6 Maglocks at Rating, with biometric reader and anti-tamper circuit (Rating 2). If triggered, delivers a shock (8S(e), AP -5).
Atlanta area Mapsoft - +1 limit to Navigation tests.

Steel Lynx Combat Drone "Grumpy Cat"

Bad Kitty

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Pilot Sensor Modifications
5 4 2 6 18 3 4 Heavy weapon mount, personality software.
Sensor Option Rating Notes
Camera 6 Thermographic, flare compensation, vision enhancement 2; +2 limit to visual Perception. Wireless: +2 dice to visual Perception tests.
Vision Magnification - 50 times zoom.
Ultrasound 4 Range 50m. Switch between active and passive as a Free Action.
Motion Sensor - Detect motion and drastic changes in ambient temperature within 25m.
Omni-directional Microphone 6 Audio enhancement 3; +3 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice to audio Perception tests.
Olfactory Scanner 4 +4 dice to scent-based Perception tests.
Radio Signal Scanner 4 E-Warfare+Logic(4) to detect wireless devices, 20m range. Silent-running (Logic+Sleaze) to defend. Wireless: Use rating instead of EW.
Laser Range Finder - 1000m range.
Weapon Type Damage Accuracy Modes Ammo Recoil AP Modifiers Attachments
Ares Thunderstruck GauR 15P 7(9) SA 500(belt) -16 -8 Wireless: +2 dice Smartgun (top), gyro mount, gas vent 3.

MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone "Angry Bird"


Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Pilot Sensor Modifications
4 4 2 4 9 3 4 Standard weapon mounts x2.
Sensor Option Rating Notes
Camera 6 Vision enhancement 6. +6 to visual Perception limit. Wireless: +6 dice to visual Perception tests.
Imaging Scope Optics - Vision magnification (50 times zoom), thermographic, flare compensation.
Ultrasound 4 50m range. Switch between active and passive as a Free Action.
Motion Sensor - Detect motion and drastic changes in ambient temperature within 25m.
Directional Microphone 6 Sounds 100m closer, Audio enhancement 3; +3 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice to audio Perception tests.
Laser Microphone 6 100m range. Audio enhancement 1; +1 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +1 dice to audio Perception tests. Select sound filter 1.
Laser Range Finder - 1000m range.
Radio Signal Scanner 4 E-Warfare+Logic(4) to detect wireless devices, 20m range. Silent-running (Logic+Sleaze) to defend. Wireless: Use rating instead of EW.
Atmosphere Sensor - Detects changes in weather patterns.
Weapon Type Damage Accuracy Modes Ammo Recoil AP Modifiers Attachments
Barret 122 SR 14P 7(9) SA 250(belt) -5 -6(10) Wireless: +2 dice Smartgun (bottom), silencer/suppressor, imaging scope. APDS ammo.
Ares Alpha AR 9S(e) 5(7) SA/BF/FA 250(belt) -6 -5 Wireless: +2 dice Smartgun (internal), airburst link, silencer/suppressor. S&S ammo.
Grenade Launcher - 10S 4(6) SS 6(C) - -4 Wireless: +2 dice Flash-bangs, 10m radius.

Ares Duelist Custom "Mark I"

It's subtle, all the little bells and whistles.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Pilot Sensor Modifications
2 2 1 4 15 3 3 Two mechanical hands, modified exterior casing, standard weapon mount. Strength 4.
Sensor Option Rating Notes
Camera 6 Thermographic, low-light, and flare compensation.
Vision Magnification - 50 times zoom. From imaging scope.
Vision Enhancement 3 +3 to visual Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice to visual Perception tests. From imaging scope.
Omni-directional Microphone 6 Audio enhancement 3 and select sound filter 2; +3 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice to audio Perception tests.
Radio Signal Scanner 6 E-Warfare+Logic(6) to detect wireless devices, 20m range. Silent-running (Logic+Sleaze) to defend. Wireless: Use rating instead of EW.
Motion Sensor - Detect motion and drastic changes in ambient temperature within 25m.
Ultrasound 3 50m range. Switch between active and passive as a Free Action.
Geiger Counter - Measures radioactivity in immediate vicinity.
MAD Scanner - Detects weapons and concentrations of metal. 5m range.
Weapon Type Damage Accuracy Modes Ammo Recoil AP Modifiers Attachments
Ares Alpha AR 11P 5(7) SA/BF/FA 250(belt) -10 -2 Wireless: +2 dice Smartgun (internal), imaging scope, airburst link, gas vent 3.
Grenade Launcher - 16P 4(6) SS 6(C) -5 -2 Wireless: +2 dice High-explosive grenades, Blast: -2/m
Cyber Shotgun SG 10S 4(6) SS 10(C) -5 0 Wireless: +2 dice Clip port, gel rounds: -2 target's Physical limit vs knockdown.
Cyber Submachine gun SMG 7P 4(6) SA/BF 32(C) -7 0 Wireless: +2 dice Clip port, silencer/suppressor.
Integral Equipment Rating Notes
Area Jammer 4 Creates sphere of Noise 4, -1 per 5m. Wireless: Will not affect devices/personas you designate.
Maglock Passkey 4 Used to defeat cardreader maglocks. Wireless: +1 Rating.
Sequencer 4 Used to defeat keypad maglocks. Wireless: +1 Rating.
Miniwelder - Welds and cuts. Damage value 25 against Barriers. 30 minute power supply.
Monofilament Chainsaw - Damage value 16 (AP -6) against Barriers.
Electronics Kit - Built-in tool set.
Lockpick Set - Tools for disabling locks of all sorts.
Searchlight Array - Visual light and infrared capability (low-light/thermographic).

Lockheed Optic-X2 "Lockheed"

Eye in the sky.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Pilot Sensor Modifications
4 4 3 2 4 3 3 -3 dice to spot with Perception (visual/audio/sensors).
Sensor Option Rating Notes
Camera 6 Thermographic and vision enhancement 3. +3 Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice Perception tests.
Vision Magnification - 50 times zoom.
Directional Microphone 6 Sounds 100m closer, Audio enhancement 2; +2 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +2 dice to audio Perception tests. Select sound filter 1.
Laser Microphone 6 100m range. Audio enhancement 1; +1 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +1 dice to audio Perception tests. Select sound filter 1.
Ultrasound 3 50m range. Switch between active and passive as a Free Action.
Radio Signal Scanner 3 E-Warfare+Logic(3) to detect wireless devices, 20m range. Silent-running (Logic+Sleaze) to defend. Wireless: Use rating instead of EW.
Atmosphere Sensor - Detects changes in weather patterns.
Laser Range Finder - 1000m range.

MCT Fly-Spy (x 4) "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", and "Delta"

Fly on a wall.

Handling Speed Acceleration Body Armor Pilot Sensor Modifications
4 3 2 1 0 3 3
Sensor Option Rating Notes
Camera 6 Thermographic and vision enhancement 3. +3 Perception limit. Wireless: +3 dice Perception tests.
Vision Magnification - 50 times zoom.
Ultrasound 3 50m range. Switch between active and passive as a Free Action.
Olfactory Scanner 4 +4 dice to scent-based Perception tests.
Omni-directional Mic 6 Audio enhancement 2; +2 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +2 dice to audio Perception tests. Select sound filter 1.
Laser Microphone 6 100m range. Audio enhancement 1; +1 to audio Perception limit. Wireless: +1 dice to audio Perception tests. Select sound filter 1.
MAD Scanner - Detects weapons and concentrations of metal. 5m range.
Cyberware Scanner - Detects cyber-implants and hidden contraband. 15m range.

Cyberdecks/RCCs & Programs

Control Console Rating Data Processing Firewall Slaves Notes
Vulcan Liegelord (cyber) 5 5(6) 6(7) 15 Standard commlink features, Noise Reduction and Sharing ratings combined total up to Rating.
Program (RCC) Effect
Armor +2 dice to resist Matrix damage.
Biofeedback Filter +2 dice to resist Biofeedback damage.
Encryption +1 to Firewall.
Guard Reduce extra damage from marks by 1 DV per mark.
Shell +1 dice to resist Matrix and Biofeedback damage.
Signal Scrub +2 Noise Reduction.
Sneak +2 dice to defense against Trace User actions.
Toolbox +1 Data Processing.
Virtual Machine 2 additional program slots, take 1 additional box of unresisted Matrix damage.
Wrapper Make your icons look like anything you want with the Change Icon action.
Autosoft Rating Effect
Clearsight 6 Perception skill equal to rating.
Electronic Warfare 6 As skill equal to rating.
Ares Alpha Targeting 6 Gunnery skill with the Ares Alpha assault rifle.
Ingram Valiant Targeting 6 Gunnery skill with the Ingram Valiant light machine gun.
Desert Strike Targeting 6 Gunnery skill with the Ares Desert Strike sniper rifle.
GMC Bulldog Maneuvering 6 Pilot skill for the GMC Bulldog step-van.
Steel Lynx Maneuvering 6 Pilot skill for the Steel Lynx combat drone.
Roto-Drone Maneuvering 6 Pilot skill for the MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone.
Ares Duelist Maneuvering 6 Pilot skill for the Ares Duelist drone.
Optic-X2 Maneuvering 6 Pilot skill for the Lockheed Optic-X2 drone.
Fly-Spy Maneuvering 6 Pilot skill for the MCT Fly-Spy drone.
Roto-Drone Stealth 6 Sneaking skill for the MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone.
Optic-X2 Stealth 6 Sneaking skill for the Lockheed Optic-X2 drone.
Fly-Spy Stealth 6 Sneaking skill for the MCT Fly-Spy drone.

Assorted Gear

Platinum Certified Credstick (Balance: 66851)
Basic Docwagon contract
Automotive shop
Aeronautic shop
Armorer shop
Automotive repair kit
Aeronautic repair kit
Industrial repair kit
Electronics kit
Survival kit
Lockpick set
Trauma patches, 2
Spare miniwelder fuel cells, 3
Ruger Super Warhawk speed-loaders with regular ammo, 10
Regular heavy pistol rounds, 120
Taser darts, 60
Regular assault rifle rounds, 500
Regular light machine gun rounds, 500
Regular sniper rifle rounds, 250
Cybershotgun clips with gel ammo, 5
Cyber-SMG clips with regular ammo, 10
Cyber-SMG clips with gel ammo, 5