Table of Contents


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- Backstory -


- Chapter 01: Investigation into Death -
- Chapter 02: Radioactive -
- Chapter 03: Battle and Recovery -
- Chapter 04: Church Nabbings -
- Chapter 05: Termite Spirits -
- Chapter 06: Train Cargo Hijack -
- Chapter 07: Efficacy of Regenesys -
- Chapter 08: Regenesys is People -
- Chapter 09: Majestic -
- Chapter 10: Troll Kidnapping -
- Chapter 11: Kidnapper Trolling -
- Chapter 12: Retreat Crashing -
- Chapter 13: Great Escape & Hot Potato -
- Chapter 14: Fancy's Fuckt -
- Chapter 15: Nekkid Ghostwalker -
- Chapter 16: On The Horror -
- Chapter 17: Wharrgarbl -
- Chapter 18: Biosample -
- Chapter 19: Kat Runs Away at a Million -
- Chapter 20: Fiyaaabawll -