So we took my patchwork armor and put a menacing facade over it. This consisted of a good bit of black cloth, some crimson die, and bits of local fauna to build up the sense of dread it projected. With that we made for the imperial installation with the intent of pretending to be a certain Darth Kallus.

It definitely had the abandoned-base vibe going for it. We immediately started banging on the door as if we belonged. We got the attention of a door-bot, and presented our credentials. It allowed us in where we were accosted by a protocol droid that insisted the facility was shut down. I chopped it in half and pushed forward. Unfortunately, this triggered some defense system that deployed several destroyer droids.

They told us to surrender, but gave us 15 seconds to comply. Lyndee was able to hack the system and gain control of the bots, increasing our firepower significantly. I should thank her for that later. In bed. We plunged deeper into the facility with the droids serving as our escort. As we entered the main hangar, we had the droids deploy smoke and play menacing music to get the full Darth aura going.

After a few more threats to the Ugnaughts working on the hyperdrive, we found the main scientist. A bit of bluffing seems to have paid off, as we were able to get both the plans for the drive, as well as the requirements to build one from scratch. Further, we got a list of imperials that would be useful to the project. Finally, we saw a demo, so we know roughly how far they are. With that, Lyndee inserted a virus into the system to do what damage it could, and we took our leave.

The droids we loaded up on our ship in order to address our secondary goal of attacking a republic settlement on the planet. I had mixed feelings about this, but the others felt it necessary to keep up the deception. We flew in low with the cloaking device on, dropping off the destroyer droids over the republic camp. The surprise of the attack meant it was a complete success. It was then off to collect our bounty.

The imperial personnel tried to hint that we weren't the ones responsible for wiping out the republic camp. I channeled my inner darth a bit more, and cowed them into submission. Our checks deposited, we split to drop off the hyperdrive plans.

The transfer went off without a hitch, and we checked in on the science team we'd just ripped off to see if they'd be willing to build the drive for us. Unfortunately, Baron Malevius seems to have figured our our ruse, and the science team was killed. So now we're sitting around trying to build the drive ourselves.