My new Trandoshan friend was a mercenary in Malevius' employ. In exchange for some medical care, he spilled the beans on the Baron's hidden base. It was on an exceedingly dry, wind-blown planet in the backwater of the galaxy. We immediately jumped out after him. During the trip we got Argent patched up. As we dropped out of hyperspace, we entered a debris field the that was the flotsam and jetsam of the baron's disintegrating ship.

We followed it down thru the atmosphere until the trail stopped. We found a landing pad, and jumped out, sending our ship away for a few hours. A little bit of digging uncovered a door hidden from sight above. Lyndee hacked it, where we were presented with the burning reactor core of our prey. Risking space-cancer, we pushed in and began to look for our quarry. Our first surprise was opening a door that led to a barracks filled with dark acolytes. Acting decisively, we sprang to the attack. We were making steady progress when a small dark blur appeared from the other side of the hangar.

We did our best to finish off the acolytes before Spite arrived, though we weren't fast enough. Unfortunately we were unable to finish them off before he arrived, so we were forced to divide our attentions. Eventually, we finished off the chaff, and began to focus on Spite. He was fast, and continued to try to split us up. In the end I endeavored just to keep him engaged so the other guys could work on him without having him leap out of range. Somewhere in the fight Lyndee hacked the ship, and opened up the reactor core and disabled the safeties, guaranteeing a meltdown.

Lyndee polished him off, and we turned toward the remaining door, searching for the baron before his ship went critical. Time is running.