… so I tossed my un-ignited lightsaber underhanded towards my erstwhile assailant as a distraction and dropped to a crouch. Kicking off the nearby bed, I rolled across the room, and in one fluid motion ignited the saber and swung as I rose to my feet. The saber bit into his energy shield, doing significant damage. Unfortunately, my distraction wasn't as ideal as I'd hoped as I ended up taking to blaster bolts to the chest. They burned like hell, but didn't appear to be lethal. I can only assume from this that they're trying to capture me alive.

As I got to my feet, I noticed Lyndee and Argent unloading on the little guy too. Lyndee seems to have scored a direct hit as the Jawa just collapsed. I walked over to investigate… either it was a cybernetically enhanced Jawa, or it was an assassin droid. I suspect the Sith Jawa is still out there. Regardless, it wasn't going to doing anything now. Bow'lurr and the station security forces showed up just a few seconds later and wanted to know what was going on. We played it basically straight. Turns out Bow'lurr is in a group of assassins that hunt down force users. That was a disappointment.

I snapped out of my crestfallen state when we realized Robert was counting. In the span of about 45 seconds we realized that the Baron (who was listening in over the assassin droid's circuits as near as we can tell) was intending to destroy the space station by collapsing the asteroid field into it. With that, we headed post haste for our ship while Bow'lurr ran to warn the rest of the station.

As we arrived in the docking bay, the Baron's ship was firing at the energy field holding him in, eventually overwhelming it. This started an explosive decompression of the room, forcing us to breathlessly run for our lives. I grabbed Robert, who thankfully only eats once a week or so (and avoids space-chocolate) and made a break for it while telekinesing the R2 unit into the Tempest. Once onboard, Robert calculated a safe spot for us to jump and calculated a firing and navigation plan that would ensure Kreegan's asteroid's safety. Lyndee and Argent performed admirably in executing the plan of destroying key asteroids while I cooked up some tea for Robert.

Once the asteroid was saved, we calculated some alternate suitable hyperspace routes that Kreegan could use to park his asteroid in similar environs. Hopefully that will allay any ill will that may linger.

We touched down ostensibly to check for tracking devices, but also to check out Robert's ability at space-pool. We won some money from a good natured Cerean seeking to improve his game and continued on our way. Where were we going? Well, Robert wired the nav beacon from Coruscant into the Tempest, and made contact with 17 million of the Ratakan cruisers (though we wouldn't know what they were until later). We picked a nearby cruiser that would be accessible to our current ship and headed off on a week long journey to see what this was all about. At the same time, we got information on the Baron's ship. Interestingly, if we could get some new components, we might make some modifications to the Tempest that could really speed up travel around the Galaxy. I'm hoping we might find some of the parts we need on the Ratakan cruiser.

We followed the beacon into the vast purplish waters of an oceanic planet, and eventually found it resting at considerable depth. Lyndee began to hack into the ship's computer while we all did our best to be useful. I scanned it with the force and was able to discover a spirit aboard. The spirit noticed our scan and proceeded to our location, where after some halting communications through the protocol droid were we able to communicate with. The process of this knocked me out, but it turns out the ship was part of the Infinite Empire. I'd never heard of them before, but it was comprised of the Rataka, who used dark force energy to power their ships.

Our ghostly visitor disappeared after we assured him there was still much life in the universe, but he promised to return. I didn't sense any malice in him, but such creatures are so old and alien that they may unknowingly do harm, so we must proceed with caution. I'm suspicious we may have a tail, as we were completely unable to detect the Sith Jawa following us on Coruscant terrestrially or not. Perhaps the spirit sensed another presence in the area? I'll be sure to ask when he returns. Further, the Baron supposedly had a location of a cruiser he wanted us to recover. The odds of his cruiser and this cruiser being the same one would be just too great, right?

Lyndee opened the docking airlocks thereafter, and we entered the ship. It will be very interesting to see what we find.