We got out of the ship after verifying the life support systems on the old warship were functional. Things were kind of in a holding pattern so Lyndee turned up the heat a bit to make it a bit more livable. Given the reptilian nature of the former inhabitants, it got both warm and humid. This became a touch more annoying as we were required to walk the length, breadth, and height of the ship to get to the engine rooms.

The engine room was interesting, more of a dark meditation chamber than what I think of as an engine room. There was a focusing crystal I tried to activate to limited success. I tried channeling some of my force energies into it but wasn't strong enough. With a flash of inspiration I had Argent hit me in the back of the head to generate some anger… the moron almost knocked me out! That said, the crystal responded to that… unfortunately, I don't think we could power it very effectively given what we went through. In a pique of curiosity, I channeled feelings of love and happiness into it. It didn't like that at all. Finally, we decided to just pack up the focusing crystal and head off.

This didn't work too well as it threw Argent across the room as soon as he touched it.

We also visited the engine room where we realized that Robert was programmed to punch coordinates into the control system of the ship to jump it to Sith Space. It also turned out that, after trying to restrain him, that he is a cyborg. To that end we put a restraining bolt on him and shut him down.

I had a visitation of my purple glowy friend. He said it was the last time we'd meet, but he gave me a place to go. Luckily we were able to get directions from Robert, as I'd never heard of it before. Evidently, Argent had, but neglected to mention it was the Imperial capital until we dropped out of hyperspace. After a quick attempt to play the free merchant card was rebuffed by red tape, we fell back. Not sure really where we're going on the planet, however, the force will no doubt guide us. My glowy friend mentioned that I should let them kill me, hopefully he isn't being too literal…