Game 6

Our initial attempts to make it to Dromund Kaas didn't get too far off the ground. After some discussions, we departed to make an end run around the system to start from scratch. Unfortunately, we got put in touch with the same customs agent, Jaxon, as before. This time Argent pulled out some papers and put on a pretty good show of being a functionary of some Darth in the outer galaxy. That served to get us a face-to-face with Jaxon, who revealed he was actually the one waiting for us.

This worked out well. He got us clearance to land and answered a few of our questions. It turns out that the “let them kill you” admonition was merely an attempt to have us join them. The initiation could potentially be fatal. He also gave us a pin and requested we keep it hidden. If discovered in possession of it, we would be killed on sight as heretics. We also got the run down on the area.

The area turned out to be a swampy no-man's-land inhabited, among other things, by large lizards. The dark side energies on the planet made them aggressive and large, but we were able to steer clear of any issues fairly easily. We arrived at what looked like a squatters camp, and after some awkward conversation, ended up asking for respite from the weather. This got us through the gate where we were eventually met by Atronis and briefed on what was going on.

I always felt out of place with the Jedi. Their dispassionate view of the world seemed to leave so much on the table. The Sith, on the other hand, seem to be too fanatical to take seriously. Like myself, others have sought out a middle path. This was a small commune of them. They followed the teachings of Revan, who taught that light and dark were merely a matter of perspective. Ultimately, this band seems a bit too pre-occupied with power, but they've a very solid and rational theology underneath them. As I understood their teachings, power was merely a way to do what you wanted, whatever that may be. Seems rife for abuse, but too much of anything can be.

I talked with others, candidates and acolytes both, seeking their reasons for being here; trying to ascertain if the resonance I felt with the teachings were merely on the surface of my thoughts, or went deeper. After a night, I decided that it was worth pursuing membership. The others had evidently come to the same conclusion. It sounds like we'll have a series of tests before us.

Let's get started. I'm supposed to meet up with a mentor named Voltaris to get the ball rolling.