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And suddenly, I don't feel so well

We walked into the temple. It was dark and foreboding. A general sense of dread settled over us. We began to search for the caches of artifacts, pausing briefly to admire the decor. It definitely had a dark and evil motif.

We uncovered the first cache with no trouble. The second one was in the bag when trap doors sprung open releasing a horde of orcs and half-orcs onto us. A few fireballs thinned their ranks, but they kept coming and before we knew it we were surrounded. I attempted to summon allies, but the evil of the temple blocked it. In frustration I resorted to my bow before being forced to close to aid Thilius who was engulfed in a wave of green skin.

Just as the tide began to turn another wave rushed in. Somehow we made it through the onslaught. At some point the main doors opened and the high priest and his dark paladin, along with bodyguards and acolytes, emerged. And suddenly, the world went dark as I caught a blow to the head…

dd5/kethys/reports/game40.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/12 16:21 by chris