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We retreated a bit to rest. After collecting our thoughts and salving our wounds, we pushed onwards.

The tunnels appeared empty. I was worried the creatures we fought earlier may have fortified a position, but that doesn't seem to have happened. We looked in room after room. All were empty, and showed evidence of a hasty departure. Eventually, we came across signs of recent battle.

The creatures we fought earlier (the fodder, not the masters) were lying rent, surrounded by broken weaponry. No signs of their opponents. Pushing onward, we came to a room full of active forges. Magic I guess. Upon entering, we were beset upon by animated swords and armor.

That is something a bit out of the ordinary!

We fought in the doorway, and eventually filled the room with broken steel. Taking a deep breath, we prepared to push further…

dd5/kethys/reports/game49.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/18 14:49 by chris