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Me meet new friends when registering to be adventurer. Sketchy human, elfish tree lover and scary devil girl in disguise. We get job with storeowner named Ian Cockburn to kill rats in his basement.

We kill a bunch of rats in his basement, including big giant rat. Then we go through hole to see where they come from and close it off so no more rats come. Elf scout ahead and we were attacked by more big rats, but we kill them all too. Then elf turn into doggie and do more scouting until he come to nest and rats chase him.

We kill rest of rats and block off hole. Then we find dead man hidden in rubble from long ago. He had treasure which we split amongst selves. We tell Ian rats are gone and tell him we sealed hole they come from, and he thanked us with healing potions.

Me then went to fanciest armorer in city with scary devil girl and use me money to get scale mail.

dd5/logru/reports/session01.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/14 14:01 by geebs