So, we joined by bright shiny armor guy, because we could use his help.
Elf snuck into hideout as spider to do some scouting, but he did not find girls. He saw brothers were all just lounging around and getting drunk, and they had a whole bunch of wolf-dogs guarding the place.
We try to get them open the door by pretending me evil orc trying to ravage devil girl in disguise. She knock on their door to plead for help, but they no answer. Maybe because dogs too loud. Anyways, shiny armor guy pretends to be someone trying to stop me and we provide distraction for monk guy and elf to sneak behind.
Since nothing happen, me and shining armor guy kick down door and fight off wolf hounds. They very vicious and bite me, so me get mad and go into rage. Me smack down a bunch. Then, apparently brothers appear from around building and attack. Devil girl drops fireball down on them, but they still standing. They also rage like me, and since they attack recklessly and wolves gang up on us, me also attack with abandon.
Eventually all wolf dogs die, and me accidentally hit three of the brothers too hard, so the others have to stabilize them so they not die. But we able to capture them and turn them into local constabulary.