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Tower get swarmed by zombies. They burst in through doors and windows and climb up the walls. We fight them back, but then me hear big boom from roof, and Danalon freak out. Me able to maintain control to fight ghouls for a bit, but then he run up. Scary devil girl said big thunderbolt took out top of tower, but she convince Danalon things are okay, and to let me finish killing ghouls.

We eventually kill them all, and everyone work together through night to keep signal up. We exhausted, but Danalon finally fade away from me. However, devil girl looked into astral plane and says she saw him get sucked into maelstrom of trapped souls in area.

Nature boy and devil girl claim they see light from across the bay, but me and sneaky guy no see what they talk about. Nature boy fly over there to scout it out. He gone for more than an hour, and says he saw weird lantern in cave.

So we rest and hike over there. Me still no see light they talking about, but we enter cave and met by guy named Seridan. He lead us to circular chamber and says great evil causing problems in land, and he could only watch helplessly from cave when land cursed decades ago.

He says he have tests for us, that could help us defeat bad guy. If we pass, the better our chances.

dd5/logru/reports/session28.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/03 23:56 by geebs