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Session 02: Koboldly Go Where no Adventurer Has Gone Before

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As a group we headed to city hall to peruse the want ads for adventurers to decide upon our next task. I was waylaid by a group of street urchins while the boys checked it out. After ushering the kids repeatedly back to their parents, I returned to find that they had decided upon clearing out some of the riffraff from the old city.

We headed from there to speak to the ranger on duty in the old city to get a map, enemy deployments, landmarks, and history + disposition of the area.

We decided to start at the bottom and work our way up to determine how much we could handle before we got our heads in too deep. Thus, we set out to the kobold section of town.

Our first nest of kobolds was a mass hidden in the basement of a worn-down house. We all snuck into the structure and scouted the top floor, and then headed into the basement. A mob of kobolds was gathered down there, with 1 in a cage, and we set into them, dispatching them pretty quickly.

Following that, I had a lengthy discussion with the caged kobold, named Meepo, at the behest of the druid. He gave us some intel about a big boss; some sort of conjurer in the valjevo castle, looming over the city. Sounds like he can round up and unify all surrounding enemies if he wanted, but hasn't in a while. I made Meepo agree to retainer for us as needed, and to that end, he gave us a method of contacting him. We'll see how well that works out or if we manage to even run across him again. In exchange, we let him go. The human wasn't too happy about this but I had to hope that some benevolence now would pay us back in the future.

We decided to head out to one more kobold encampment. Folly seemed to be with us this time around; the human collapsed a wall on top of a couple of us while scouting, injuring me and a couple others, and also alerting the kobolds to our presence. Despite the trickier circumstances, we were able to clear out the nest, two houses worth, after a lot of effort and fire focused on us. A few of us took a beating, healing spells were cast, and we were able to call the excursion a success after all.

On the way back to the new city, we were unexpectedly waylaid by a ghoul. After a bit of flailing and hunkering-down and focus-fire, we were able to fell the thing. We hurried back to the old city following that encounter.

We turned in our grisly souveniers at the ranger's station and got some money back for our efforts, and headed back to our respective lodgings for the night.

dd5/najila/reports/session02.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/10 00:41 by tara