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Session 04: Storming the Kobold Castle

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We decided after some discussion to leave the Mystery House be for the time being. Instead, we decided we should clear out the remaining encampments of monsters just smaller than the fortresses. To that end, we headed up to the remaining warehouse in the Orc sector.

On the way we ran across a unit of kobolds and had to dispose of them. After that was done, trophies removed and bodies rolled, we headed the rest of the way to the warehouse.

We positioned ourselves as best we could but little did we know it hardly mattered. A large scorpion came running out and immediately engaged Logru and Kethys. We were able to get the monster down without too much poison issues, but we were a little banged up and lower on spells than I would've wanted.

I re-suggested checking out the Mystery House, but Daer'ys was insistent about not going there yet. Instead, we took a short rest at the scorpion warehouse and prepared to attack the kobold stronghold.

We made a short stop by to talk to Meepo, who gave us what info he had on the Fatted Calf. Perhaps 40 kobolds lead by Githrak, a “chosen of Tiamat”. Well okay, lets take 'em down.

We scouted the perimeter of the Fatted Calf and determined that our best means of entrance was the 2nd floor window on the corner. We had Logru block the back door while we made noise at the window, pummeling it with fire until it burst open. We were fired at in turn, sustaining some damage. Daer'ys tossed in some alchemists fire as the kobolds threw out some they had. Eventually we pushed them back from the window and Daer'ys, Kethys and I climbed up and into the corner room. After a few bad starts, eventually Logru was able to scale the wall and into the same window.

We explored the 3 rooms on our end, but they were empty. Daer'ys pushed into the hallway and was driven back in by an encampment of kobolds. We sent Kethys out, protected, and he thunderwaved the kobold unit into oblivion. We inspected the top floor and picked up all the loot.

We headed downstairs, Daer'ys disabling a trap, and found the bulk of the Kobold encampment waiting for us. It was a tough battle compounded by overwhelming numbers and their pack tactic abilities, but we were eventually able to get them down without anyone dying. We inspected the rest of the floor and once determined clear, headed down to the basement area. I incinerated a sheet covering the doorway and we were swarmed by fire beetles. We headed back upstairs a bit to force a bottleneck. In doing this, we were able to take down the whole lot of them without much effort or damage.

Down into the beetle room, we inspected the area, rolled the bodies, and prepared for what would hopefully be the last encounter: Githrak and whatever cronies he had.

Logru bashed the door open and we were immediately attacked by a unit of dragonshields, ranged kobolds, and Githrak, who had Sorcerer levels.

The fight was hard, and we had some bad luck landing attacks. Many heals were thrown out and by the end of the fight I was completely out of anything complicated I could cast. But in the end, we prevailed and everyone was still standing if barely. We had to've gone through at least 8 healing potions too.

When the battle was done, we patched up who we could, checked all the rooms, and rolled the bodies. We extracted trophies from all kobolds to return and turn in, and then we hunked down to rest for the evening because we were completely worn out and couldn't risk a random encounter on the way back to town.

dd5/najila/reports/session04.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/19 16:51 by tara