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Session 06: Goblin Priest of Whosit

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We pressed on into the goblin stronghold. With the help of the elemental, we crashed in through a wall instead of heading in through the more barricaded doors and windows. The elemental held the front line and the rest of us followed in behind it, picking goblins off as they flung themselves at us.

The elemental helped us clear almost all of the main floor before it was mysteriously dispelled. So, they had a decently leveled caster among them. The goblin bigboss.

The last few enemies without the elemental were an effort, but they were dispatched after a fashion and then we headed into the basement. Someone was yelling in a nearby room, so we decided to check it out first.

A halfling rogue named Zolonsho was caged up among several pits of rats trying their best to eat him. He'd been placed there along with the rest of his adventuring party, and he was the last of the 4 remaining alive. We rescued him from his cage and he agreed to help us dispatch the remaining enemies. We looted the bags of his fallen comrades, and headed into the tunnels.

We discovered our enemies holed up in their chapel. The leader was an evil priest, guarded by 2 bug bears, 4 boss goblins, and 4 peons. Daer'ys and Zolonsho together worked down the bugbears while I dropped AOEs on the other goblins. Logru pummeled the priest over and over again to get him to lose his concentration, while Kethys tried to keep the whole room of enemies tangled up.

Eventually Logru was able to take down the priest, and the rest of the enemies fell quickly after that. Daer'ys went down just before but we were able to get him back up again. Once the room was cleared we checked through the the basement level, got some madphat loots, hacked off our gory trophies for bounties and then combed through the upstairs for the rest of the loots.

After a short rest, we headed back to town… but were stopped by a human magey type named Ohlo, who apparently lived in the mystery house and had some potential work for us. We told him we might come back by later, but now now because we had our hands full (but really we were all out of spells and a bit drained from those last fights).

Once we got back to town, we turned in our bounties, divided up the loot, and prepared for a nice, long rest

dd5/najila/reports/session06.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/09 02:06 by tara