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Session 08: Orcette Twinsees

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We took a bit of a rest and patched ourselves up and prepared to hit up the orcs below us.

We headed down.

First few doors were a bunch of sleeping quarters, empty. On the far end we found some orcs in a large common room. A quick fight with a few hitches took care of that. At the other end of the hall we found orcs in another room, but orcs from a 2nd room ambushed us from the rear. This was more of a fumble. We got them down but at greater cost.

This last room was the biggest of all, had the most orcs, and probably the only thing resembling boss orcs left in the place, running the contest.

Logru went in casually, bluffing, to get us a head count. He was able to get in, get out without raising suspicion. Oddly, the same orc priestess we saw upstairs was alive, again, down here. A twin?

We bulldozed in the door. We gave a beating, and took a beating. We were almost surrounded, but we dealt with it. Many potions were used, many heals given. Logru drank the the growth potion we'd acquired and got huge to help manage the dudes. Logru took a beating, quite a beating, went down, and took more beatings. He kept so much damage off of us while the rest of us, especially Kethys, dispatched the rest of everyone.

The priestess went down. Then the rest of the minions enraged, but ultimately went down one by one after that. All of us were low by the time we cleared out all the orcs. But we managed to Triumph after all.

We secured the building, patched each other up, gathered up all the loot to be had, and hunkered down in the tower room over night.

The next day we snuck out to hit up Ohlo's house with his missing box that we'd found in the basement. Ohlo dropped the rewards on us, and we headed back to town to pick up our bonties and payment for clearing out the slums.

dd5/najila/reports/session08.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/23 03:06 by tara