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Session 10: Bones File Joke Here

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We spent the day continuing to clear the walls. We regularly fought off small units of skeletons, dispatching them methodically. As far as I could tell, while channeling Bahamut's glory, it seemed as though the skeletons wouldn't rise again just with the dawning of a day. It seemed as though maybe there was some kind of relic in the center of the keep that might animate or reanimate bodies and that the relic must be destroyed to prevent this from continuing.

Down off the walls we headed after dispatching the last set and returning to where we began.

The courtyard added zombies to the mix. Ogre zombies to be precise. This fight was a bit more complex but ultimately doable.

Once the battle rush settled down and we observed the stable had some kinda goo coating it. It seemed to be not so healthy… I stayed back a bit and torched it instead. Gross.

dd5/najila/reports/session10.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/08 02:19 by tara