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Session 11: Wrong Password

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We cleaned out another set of zombies and bones on the way to another outbuilding. After that we decided that our time might be better spent storming the main castle and taking out the trinket causing this than fighting the endless hoards.

We attempted to scale the wall to see about entrance from this avenue but there were guards, which made it too dangerous. At least if we went in through the bottom floor we could bottle-neck any baddies. We stayed a night to recoup all we'd spent before heading inside.

We headed in through the front doors and came across a mob of skellies. They asked us to identify ourselves. We tried to identify ourselves in the most official way, and we also gave them the phrase that the dead elf guy had in his journal.

None of this caused a favorable response from the guards. We had to fight it out. So we did.

dd5/najila/reports/session11.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/11 02:01 by tara