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Session 12: Relieved of Duty

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Once we breached the entry, we headed further into the keep, concentrating on heading to the center tower and heading down to the basement. We checked several rooms, which seemed to have ghostly presences, but stating “lux” at them caused them to stand down. They weren't great conversationalists.

However, one ghost pointed us to a hidden compartment in a room that contained a bag of platinum and a diary. We flipped through the diary and skimmed it. It contained a pretty detailed recounting of the assault of the island. The council would be interested in this, so we stowed it away. It also contained the three words we'd found in the other journal, including the full third word.

From flipping through this and thinking about it, I determined that “lux”, “shesnik” and “samosud” were probably words they used for security around the keep.

We pressed on. We searched through the entire basement, including through the secret door wedged open. We found a vertical rhombus-shaped room with a field of protection in it. Except that whatever it was protecting was long gone. This room had the center of the intense background count that was radiating all around the keep. We worked our way back up and into the main keep.

We eventually arrived at a large temple to Tyr, which appeared to be haunted by a ghost Boss. Daer'ys waded in declaring, “lux”, and the ghost stood down. But he was obviously a boss, and dressed as a priest, so I stepped forward to talk to him.

I addressed him as the guy mentioned in the journal, Ferran Martinez. He responded to the name, and spoke back to me. So I laid it on thick, about the current state of things in the city of Phlan, about how we and others were here to relieve him of his duty, and that he is free to move on.

He listened intently, asked a few questions, but ultimately agreed. The fog started dissipating immediately, and apparently the animated skellies would be gone at sunrise. We talked with the ghost for a long time about what happened here, and then headed back to the rest of the keep to do some looting.

An hour later we noticed three boats floating toward the island. They seemed to be filled with orcs. Well, oh crap. At least we had skelly allies for a while yet.

dd5/najila/reports/session12.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/25 02:39 by tara