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Session 13: The Horde

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In through the broken front gates flooded a mess of hobgoblins and orcs commanded by a hobgoblin boss, as we were walking out. We dropped our stuff and prepared for a fight. Unfortunately, were weren't 100% fresh, but we'd have to make do. Luckily, we had a few skeleton and zombie allies to help take the pressure directly off of us.

Our two melee ran out to intercept and prevent a rush. The skellies and zombies came in from the sides. Fortunately some of the hoard peeled off to them as well.

We were able to thin them out a good deal, but then two ogres came in. That was annoying. Focus fire on one prevented them from doing nearly as much damage as they would've. The first ogre fell quickly, and the other was corralled and taken down methodically. But then more reinforcements.

I was getting low on spells. But I couldn't let us be overwhelmed again. So I Twin Spelled an AoE in the reinforcements and cleaned a good number of them out. It caused them to scatter a bit and between us and our zombie/skelly allies, we were able to clean them out.

After the dust settled, we found a paper on the hobgoblin boss. It was a bounty for us. Someone who known we'd been at Thorn Island. Someone, most likely, from the city council in Phlan.

We loaded up our loot onto the boats, and headed back to Phlan proper, pondering what to do next.

Finally, we got

dd5/najila/reports/session13.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/03 02:24 by tara