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Session 14: Gross

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We assessed our situation and decided we hadn't completely swept the whole island. We still had several outbuildings to clear out. So we paid off the boatman to wait and began a methodical sweep of the outbuildings.

Several had nothing interesting. Then we came to one with some slimes in it. It was a gross and scary fight, but fortunately we had fire and magical weapons, so they weren't as nasty as they could've been.

We carried on, and eventually came to another outbuilding, but this one had large dire frog things with collars. This was a tough fight, because they had a lot of movement, they were able to restrain, and we were all really low on everything, having not had had sleep in a day.

Logru almost panicked but a nice big heal returned his confidence. We were finally able to dispatch the frogs and were displeased at the prospect of more buildings to explore, but we were in luck in that the other buildings had nothing dangerous.

The four frogs did have magical collars, which we snagged. Also, we found a silvered greatsword. We collected the bounty trophies too.

We finally loaded up the loot into the boat and headed back to New Phlan. We hit the sack for the night as soon as we got back. Then, first thing in the morning we hit up the temple of Tyr to let them know about what happened at the castle with their high priest of yesteryear. They rewarded us with 1000 gp and 25% discount on goods and services.

Then we headed to a council and turned in the diaries, and collected a 2000 gp reward.

Then the money exchanger. Some folks headed off to investigate property acquisition and such. I traded up most of my cash to gems of equivalent value.

dd5/najila/reports/session14.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/20 00:39 by tara