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Session 15: Brothers Barbarian

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We moved on to investigate and bring to justice (alive, not dead), the brothers Stomm. Accused of trafficking in the womens and stealing stuff, their reign had to end.

They were holed up with a warehouse, quite distant from any bother buildings, and full of wild and crazy dogs. One to two dozen dogs.

Kethys transformed into some spider thing and scouted out the warehouse. Eighteen dogs, and the brothers up stairs boozing it up and hanging out.

We concocted a ridiculous plan to try and draw them out. I was dressed up as a normal girl, running from Logru, who was chasing me, who was being chased by Thilius and Daer'ys. Hopefully they'd either want to kidnap me or help me.

But it turned out the dogs went crazy barking and the brothers didn't care. So we shrugged, busted the door open, and started taking out the dogs.

We got about three quarters of them down and the brothers came busting out. They were very, very tough, just like Logru. Magic, however, gave us an edge. I had two of the five after me, but magic enabled me to wrangle them and render them ineffective. I also dropped a fireball on them and then once the other brothers were taken down by the boys, the two on me were rolled into the main fight and taken down as well.

I think we managed to take them down alive, if quite beaten. With fire. Mmmmm… fire.

We searched the warehouse for cool stuff, and then contacted the authorities, who came to take the brothers Stromm to the local Phlan clink. And then we headed back to collect our bounties. Yeee haw! Fire!

dd5/najila/reports/session15.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/01 01:46 by tara