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Session 16: Tower Recon, Well Reclamation

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We turned in and were rewarded for the bounty on the brothers. From there, we headed back to the bar Daer'ys had purchased as our headquarters. Come to discover that Daer'ys had already made a decision to retire and run the guild and his bar. But fortunately, at the time we were discussing all this, another person presented himself to fill the gap. An elf, named Caedmon. He was some kind of rogue. After sizing him up a bit, our group decided to give him a test run.

For our next task, we discussed both Kuto's Well and Denlorn's Tower, both of which were in the same area of the city. We decided to put our names in for both tasks. We headed down to see the clerk to sign up.

Next, we headed to visit Ohlo to see what he knew about Denlorn and his tower. Turns out Ohlo was one of Denlorn's apprentices. Denlorn was an abjurer, and, with his apprentices, defended the city during the siege. He destroyed the dragon and then suddenly retreated back to his tower with his apprentices. At that time, the defenses of the tower activated, and have been on since. No one has gone in or out of the tower since.

Ohlo said that when defenses like that were activated, it was usually a dead man's switch. It seemed that probably something happened to Denlorn, forcing the defenses to active to protect everything and everyone in the tower. But that there was usually a key, some trigger that would allow either someone in or the defenses to deactivate.

Since then, many had tried to gain access to the tower. All have failed.

Sounded daunting.

Ohlo requested that if we were able to gain access to it, that we come back to let him know what happened to his master. We agreed, and headed on into the district to see what was up with the tower.

There was an army camped outside of it. Although from appearances, it was greatly reduced in number. There was an area of glass between the army and the tower. Blast radius. Caedmon snuck forward under the cover of a stealth spell from Kethys. He snuck forward and observed the door, memorizing every inscription on it and returning to the group to describe it.

Turns out there's an impression in the door about the size of the Star Stone I carry. Given what the Orcs had said about it, it seemed really likely that the Star Stone was the key to getting into Denlorn's tower. But what about the army outside? We scouted it out to get the numbers and defenses, and decided to go tackle the Well first in the meantime while we percolated on how to remove the army from outside the tower.

We accessed a corner building and kicked the door in. There were some goblins holed up in there, but we took them out without too much effort. But we still had approximately eight other buildings to secure before even approaching the well…

dd5/najila/reports/session16.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/13 01:28 by tara