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Session 17: Cleaning out the Well, part 2

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We got one of the buildings cleaned out and as we began our circuit of the well. With the noise we'd made, we'd surely gotten the attention of everyone in the area. A mob of enemies charged out from the other buildings toward us. I took this opportunity to lean out of a top floor window, and obliterate them with a fireball.

Once things had quieted down, Kethy's did some scouting as a spider and determined the building to the right was about as full of enemies as the one we'd just cleaned out. I supposed that I hadn't seen any enemies heading from that direction in the assault that was decimated by the fireball.

Given that info, we decided we'd hit up the other buildings first, which should be emptier. To the south building we headed instead.

dd5/najila/reports/session17.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/03 03:08 by tara