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Session 19: Into the Well

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At last, we headed up into the fourth and last building. Empty. Abandoned. We peered out into the central courtyard, at the well. After some discussion, we decided it was time to approach.

We all stood at the lip of the well as the druid, Kethys, headed down in spider form. It was pretty deep. Kethys found a secret door with enemies that lead into a series of chambers. Down we went, one by one. Enemies popped out to shoot at us but they were taken care of quickly and no one had trouble getting down to the door.

From there, we entered and were swarmed.

We had a very difficult fight, but we were able to eventually triumph. And then we opened the doors and peered down the halls. It seemed this underground base was very extensive. Probably would've been a better idea to rest a little more before coming down here. Unfortunately, we didn't do that. So we had to suck it up, and get it done without being fresh. Erp.

dd5/najila/reports/session19.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/09 02:48 by tara