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Session 24: Gargoyles and Yeti

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Once the spider incident was over, we decided it would be prudent to secure our rear guard. We knew there were a couple of hidden doors that we needed to ensure were secure, so that we couldn't be attacked from two fronts.

We headed back to the hallway to fully explore the right door. We pushed the druid up through the trap door at the top of the spiral stair. He headed down the hallway and we waited. After a bit, we heard a tussle, and the druid shout for help. Up through the shoot the rest of us shot.

The druid was nowhere to be found, but there were several, what appeared to be gargoyles, moved to action. I started blasting things as soon as I popped out of the trapdoor. Logru the huge, and Thilius the shiny burst up after me and started hacking at things. I spied a set of 3 gargoyles down the hallway really intent on a wall. It seemed suspicious, so I started blasting them.

We hacked up about two of them and suddenly the druid appeared out of thin air. He looked quite a bit beat up, but he was now surrounded by friends. Not long after, we managed to clear out the rest of the gargoyles, and then patched ourselves up.

We explored the rest of the balcony area, which had a store room with boulders and a cauldron. This area was apparently used to throw boulders at attackers. But with the gargoyles taken are of, this area is basically secure.

We headed back down. The left door's hallway was choked with snow. It was impassible without some solid fire blasting. Basically secure. We headed back into the main room with the statue and looked around.

There were three exits. A hallway to the left, a hallway to the rear, and chain curtain covering something to the right.

The chain curtain seemed like the most finite direction to proceed. Hallways opened us open to a maze, but the chain curtain seemed like it might be nothing more than a room. In we went.

We found a mess hall, with a blue, glowy pit, and a throne at the far end. Thilius headed forward to inspect the throne, and a bunch of Yeti burst out of the doorway on the right halfway down the hall. The battle was engaged.

It was a bit scary. They had a gaze attack. The druid fell prey to it and took a beating. I kept my distance and dropped a sanctuary on him while waiting for Thilius to get out of the middle of the furrballs. Once he was clear, I threw a fireball. Once softened, they started going down left and right.

The druid finally shrugged off the gaze attack, ran inside the little room, and … out came the boss of the Yeti. An Abominable Yeti.

And at the same time, something else happened. From the fire pit, with the blue glowy center, rose a beast. The last of Mok'Teroknon's pets and followers. The Remorhaz. The Yeti seemed distraught. We finished them off as they scattered and became a little distracted, then moved to head back toward the chain curtain as the Abominable Yeti came charging out too.

What to do? The two beasts didn't seem to be on the same side, but neither was friendly to us. We were also clearly not fresh. Hopefully, the two would wag on each other and we could finish the victor off at the end…

dd5/najila/reports/session24.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/15 02:21 by tara