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Session 25: Yeti and the Ice Wyrm

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The Abominable Yeti stepped out of the side room. We stared at the Remorhaz. The Remorhaz immediately lunged to take a bite out of Thilius. The Yeti charged the Remorhaz. The rest of us backed away from the engagement.

Thilius broke out of the toothy grapple and backed away as well. The two big bads engaged, but the Yeti wasn't about to allow us to escape the fight so quickly. After he hurled a breath weapon our way, we did a quick heal up and decided to pursue an engagement.

Thilius and Logru got up on the Remorhaz's rear, while Kethys summoned a pack of wolves. I dropped a pair of hastes on the two melee while Caedemon fired a few spells off.

Thilius had some bad luck, getting hit by the Yeti's gaze while getting hurt by the Remorhaz. Heals were thrown out, more wolves were summoned, while Logru continued hitting the Remorhaz.

A breath weapon was lobbed in all our directions, even I was hit in transit to the two damaged melee. Eventually Logru was bit and grappled by the Remorhaz. I dropped a twin heal on Logru and Thilius, and backed away. Logru did a flex of his muscles and snapped open the ever loving crap out of the Remorhaz's mouth, escaping the grapple. Thilius finally stood up and landed one huge, badass blow on the Remorhaz, taking it down once and for all.

Now, the Yeti was in trouble. I'd been willing to let the Yeti walk away if it had helped us slay the common enemy in the Remorhaz without being a douche to us. But no.

We all turned on the Yeti and blew the crap out of it.

We looted the two monsters of some bling and went to finish the inspection of the dining hall and kitchen. Then we headed up to our secure storage room on the balcony for a long rest.

After the rest, we finished exploring what we could of this place. A secret tunnel behind the throne lead to what appeared to be Mok's personal quarters. There was a large, raised stone bed in the room and we were pretty darn sure that the bed could be raised. It had a ring on the foot of it and one on the ceiling. We just needed to find a change big enough and long enough and to get enough strength behind it to pull it up.

On we went. The foyer off of Mok's personal quarters had two statues of ice giant warrioresses that came to life when we came near them. We fought them and took them out without too much issue.

After the fight, a child frost giant ghost came into the room to talk to us. We queried her about what she knew about the place but only found vaguely useful information. She seemed vaguely friendly and followed us as we continued searching the place.

From there we headed back into the main room with the statues of the gods fighting and headed down to explore the last hallway left unexplored. The north side of the building, the left hallway after coming into the room from the main doors to the outside.

A ways down we came to a a place where the stonework of the hallway had been ripped apart and a huge 50' wide gap presented itself to us. We let the druid cross and place a rope and we climbed across. We inspected the crevasse, and I felt a little concerned about being able to repair the damage that appeared to be caused by an earthquake. It seemed like an uphill task. Blowing up baddies was one thing, but forces of nature were another.

Well, all we could do was press on…

dd5/najila/reports/session25.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/04 01:39 by tara