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Session 27: Shopping Game and Ravenglass

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We decided to go ahead and open the chests. They were trapped (which Caed disarmed), but not cursed. We looted the moola out of them and then packed up and prepared to head back.

We rolled up all our loot, put it on our mammoths, and headed back to the camp of the northmen. They were ecstatic, the let Logru keep the sword, and they made us all sworn brethren. If we were in need, they would come to help.

With the trade stuff settled with Phlan, we headed back with the caravan. We stopped by to see the council and received our reward. Then, we headed to Ohlo's to turn in our harvested monster parts.

We received… quite a bit of money combined from both. I used a large portion of my money to buy scrolls from Ohlo. I lacked flexibility, and this would help, I thought.

The boys picked up similar things. We prepared to head off to Ravenglass to settle the task ahead. After seeing Janine, we hopped on a ship to head off to the area of Ravenglass.

We arrived, and as soon as we disembarked, a torrential downpour started. We took shelter in a cave, where nearly immediately, Logru became possessed by a disgruntled ghost. The ghost had unfinished business, and it became abundantly clear he was taking us along on an attempt to fulfill that purpose.

Off to the lighthouse we ran in the middle of a hurricane. Possessed-Logru stampeded into the lighthouse, up the stairs, and fussed about starting the signal fire. Once he got it started, he sat back more at ease, but still not completely.

The ghost's name was Danelon, and when the black hoards invaded, dear Danelon was too trashed to light the signal fire for a ship that could've potentially saved everyone. So, guess we had to babysit this fire all night. Ok, no big deal.

But then, the zombie army came. Oh shit, a hundred of them.

dd5/najila/reports/session27.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/30 02:58 by tara