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Session 28: The Zombie Lighthouse and the Cave of Tests

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Oh shit, there was like…. a hundred of them.

I ran to the top of the lighthouse while the boys blocked the doors downstairs and prepared for battle. I fired off a bunch of fireballs at the zombific hoards that neared the lighthouse, killing a bunch and severely wounding many others. Some started climbing. Some started banging at the windows and doors.

After softening up the masses a bit, I focused on the set climbing the tower. They climbed and I arranged to gather them up a bit. They took a swing at me on the balcony, I shocked them and Blinked out. More arrived. I had like a dozen or more that couldn't find me and started gathering near the signal fire.

Inside the Ethereal plane, thousands, tens of thousands of restless ghosts swirled in the storm above Ravenglass bay. It was one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. They noticed me, I could tell. But they didn't seem particularly hostile toward me. Creepy.

I looked at the mob as I Blinked back in over the trapdoor to leading to the stairs down. It was almost like slow motion as I raised my hand, a ball of fire forming… I dropped down the stairs as I released it, and it was like a nuke going off above me, zombie body parts and glass flying everywhere. I got a little cut up, but that took care of everyone upstairs in one, swift move.

I scurried back up as the dust began to settle and dropped a Daylight spell to keep the lighthouse “lit”, hoping that would be good enough. I leaned down, and started firing off firebolts down at zombies attacking my friends.

But then Logru came charging up. He bulldozed past me to get through the trap door. I followed him, and dropped the biggest, fattest, most convincing lie I could muster to calm the ghost down. Fortunately, he seemed to buy it. Logru seemed to take control back and stampeded back down the stairs, chopping up climbing zombies on the way down.

Things kinda slowed down after that. It seemed like mop up work, and eventually the zombies were all cleaned up and then we had to solve the problem of um… keeping the signal fire going after that unfortunate, and terrible, lightning strike that hit the light tower. Um.

Kethys came through, building a fire and keeping burning through the night while the rest of us struggled to keep a protective tarp over it so that the torrential rain didn't extinguish it.

As dawn broke, Danelon shrugged off Logru's form and seemed to disappear. I Blinked out to the Ethereal realm to see what was happening to Danelon's spirit. He returned to the mass of restless spirits swirling above the city. With dismay, I could tell that the evil possessing the city still remained. Our work wasn't quite done.

When I Blinked back, I filled the boys in on what I'd seen. I was told the Druid had left to investigate something. An hour later, he returned and informed us there was a magical light before an even more magical cave, and that we ought to go investigate it to see if it could shed any light on how to fix Ravenglass.

We ended up having to take the long way, walking all the way around the bay. We approached the light.

It turned out only a few of us could see the light. Me, Kethys, and Ashe. We decided to enter the cave cautiously.

Inside, we found an extremely hot 20-something-year-old human male, sitting before a small cooking fire. He greeted us kindly, in a non-threatening manner. It was odd.

He told us there was a very powerful, evil entity out there attempting to wrest control of this cave, dedicated to the gods of good. It contained a pool with magical abilities (not THE pool of radiance), and that he was a servant of the gods of good.

He did not know anymore about the entity than that (so he claimed), but that if we passed a series of four tests, we'd be allowed to sample the spring which would provide us some protections for our (presumably) upcoming battle with him (the evil entity).

  1. The Test of Patience
  2. The Test of Piety
  3. The Test of Honor
  4. The Test of Sacrifice

Only one person could do a test, and no one could do more than one test.

We all looked at each other, and started crunching in the back of our minds who would do what while he watched in silence.

dd5/najila/reports/session28.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/30 03:28 by tara