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Session 31: Scrags Everywhere

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We parted ways with the sea elves and headed in the direction they gave us toward the Scrag encampment. The druid turned into an octopus and he and Caed scouted a ways up ahead.

Eventually they stopped and did some weird signalling. The rest of us couldn't make heads or tails of it, so Caed returned to give us the skinny. Four Scrags hanging around outside the cave. Probably more inside. The idea was to split them up and take them out separately. But, it seems, something got derped up up front with the druid pretending to be an octopus pretending to be a rock. The Scrags attacked and the battle was joined.

I tried to Banish two of them, but only got rid of one. Logru roided out and charged the Scrags, completely out of his mind. I tried dealing some damage to the Scrags, but my abilities were reduced significantly here in the water. It became clear that it was not really my job, at this time, to kill these things. Roided out Logru was utterly obliterating them, and Caed was finishing them off, while we kept as many held back from our meat grinder as possible so he'd be free to do his job.

So from then till the end of the fight I became a healing bot, firing off heals at Logru, at Thilius, and at Ash. One by one the Scrags were dispatched. The banished one returned just as the last of the group was killed. Logru charged over to it and made short work of it.

The angry haze faded from Logru's eyes, and we examined the mess around us.

We were in pretty bad shape actually, holding back all those Scrags at once while Logru mowed through them. I blew all my remaining spells on healing and we headed into the cave.

We found some treasure, and the missing prince. Prince Saiel thanked us for the rescue, and proceeded to inform us that we were not quite at the end of this adventure yet. He said that his father and his five closest generals had been acting strange. From his magical scrutiny, he determined that they did have an enchantment set on them. So he'd left the village and observed the goings on from afar. And that was when he was nabbed by the Scrags, in an unrelated incident.

He said it was dangerous for him to return to the village. And that we needed to somehow free his father and generals from whatever had him possessed, before the threat of war would wind down

dd5/najila/reports/session31.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/27 01:38 by tara