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Session 32: Captain Aboleth

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We swam southwest of the city and noticed that the water was becoming murkier and nastier. The boys searched around and eventually found a a fissure in the seabed. The sliminess seemed to be emanating from it.

Whelp, in we went.

The tunnel kept going and going and going. Down and down we went. Eventually we arrived at a cavernous… cavern. As we explored it, a voice appeared in our heads. It spoke in easy-to-understand terms, and it seemed interested in negotiating an exchange of information for us to go away.

Caedmon humored him for a while, but eventually it came down to fighting, as is always did. It was an Aboleth.

A fear effect went off almost immediately. Almost all of us were affected, including me. Most everyone shrugged it off. I left it on, because it didn't really change anything other than my ability to keep Logru healed. But the druid could help with that too.

It was a hard fight, and we got really lucky that a lot of the Aboleth's abilities seemed to fizzle out. However his ability to fire off attacks constantly really put a hurt on Logru. It took all the druid, Logru, and I had just to keep him standing round to round.

But between the boys pounding on the Aboleth hard, and me and the druid plinking him, while keeping the barbarian standing… we eventually wore him down, and took him down.

The Aboleth died, and we looted his stash. Rested. Headed to pick up the prince and headed back to the village. The chieftan was freed, but still disturbed, yet relieved. They threw a party for us. Next day, we headed over to the Sea Elf village and gave them the good news, and had a celebration there too.

We then returned to Phlan with the good news. The council was very happy, and rewarded us duly for our effort. We then replenished our supplies with the intent of tackling the mysterious item after that.

dd5/najila/reports/session32.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/18 02:07 by tara