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Session 33: The Mystery Job

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With no other jobs to do, we had left only the mysterious job. We went to meet the client to discover what was so mysterious about this job.

Turns out, it was a two-part job. One, we were to infiltrate an auction that would be held in the monster-held Podol Plaza in 7 days and observe the Lord of the Ruins, and come back with any information we could about him. Secondarily, we should attempt to acquire the item being auctioned – presumably a relic of immense power. And thirdly, we were to help a third party find his brother.

The third one was a separate job that would be piggy-backing on the first two, and was paid separately. The missing brother was both a dwarf and a twin. His twin, Stonal Stoneshield, sought to locate his bro, Doral, Cleric of Clanggedin Silverbeard, who had been lost in the sacking of Phlan 50 years ago. He had some kind of magic stone that kept him connected to his brother, which both confirmed that he was still alive, and actually gave a vague indication of where he was. Stonal had been in town for a while triangulating and zeroing in on his brother's location, but he couldn't get any closer than to determine that his brother was in Podol Plaza somewhere. To facilitate finding and freeing him, if he needed it, Stonal dug a tunnel from a ruined building in the adjoining plaza to another abandoned/ruind building in Podol Plaza so to enable his brother's escape, should he be able to get his hands on him. The monsters were keeping tight control over who went in and out of the Plaza, so there were few other options.

After accepting the missions, reloading up on supplies in town, and getting any further information we could (Ohlo, but a dead end), we headed into the well plaza and over to check out Stonal's tunnel. It looked sufficient to get us there with minimal fuss. Stonal stayed well-side, while we went across to Podol to inspect the area around the building that the tunnel came up into.

It was pretty deserted, and pretty ruined. THe main structure of the building was still intact, but doors and windows were a thing of the ancient past, and enough dust covered the floor of the building to indicate no one had been here in a while. The druid and the bat went up to get the bird's eye view of the plaza, and map out what they could while the rest of us went back to the slums to retrieve Meepo.

We interrogated Meepo (not in a mean way) about what he knew. He didn't know much about the Lord of the Ruins, but really, no one seemed to. He did mention this group the monsters have been whispering about, called the Green Hand. Apparently a bunch of secretive vigilantes who hung around in Podol Plaza, ruining the monsters' days. Whenever something bad happened, there'd be a green handprint at the location. Folk whispered about them, but everyone seemed to think they were merely apparitions.

When Kethys and the bat returned, we disucussed the things we'd seen, made notes on a crude map, and made plans for how we'd begin acquiring the info we needed.

Logru and I would pose as full Orcs (me using my magical hat), and the others would be Hobgoblins. Stonal would stay behind, at least for now, so we wouldn't have to disguise him too, who posed an issue to that effect because there really weren't any monsters that had a similar height to a dwarf. We'd pull Meepo on a chain like we'd seen some other monsters doing with a goblin.

Cade worked for quite a while perfecting the disguises of the others, and finally, when satisfied, we headed out into the street.

dd5/najila/reports/session33.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/18 00:53 by tara