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Session 36: Podol Heist

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The plan seemed to work, and it seemed like the kobolds were stopped for now.

We moved on to getting Doral to his brother, and having the brothers help get the evacuees out of Podol Plaza. Many flights of pixies later, Doral and Stonal were reunited and together helped getting the folks we trasnported via polymorph back to New Phlan.

We then turned our attention to the auction and Muldoog. We disguised ourselves and headed out to the biggest bar in the area we thought Muldoog to be in. While the druid tried his best to start a fight with some Gnolls, I talked to the bugbear bartender about Muldoog and his whereabouts. Information acquired, and we headed back outside and headed over to the compound.

Caed and Kethys scouted Muldoog's compound and found it absurdly fortified. Neither was able to gain entrance to figure out what the enemy numbers were or where the item for auction was. So they sent off for some scrolls of Arcane Eye from Ohlo, and once acquired, we had to figure out how to get the dang thing into the compound.

On to the next far-fetched plan. This time the boys wrote up a letter of gibberish for me to deliver disguised as some monster, so that they would open the door and the arcane eye thing could sneak in. I decided a Gnoll would be entertaining. But regardless, it didn't really work. The Bugbear pocketed the note and just stood out there with the other 7 bugbears and 2 giants.

So I went up again, disguised as a different Gnoll, asked why there had been no response. The bugbear gave me lip and sarcasm that he'd get it done. Probably wouldn't.

As luck would have it though, there was a shift change, and the arcane eye snuck in. So Caed spent some time searching around in the place and determined that an exterior assault and/or sneak-entry would not be doable. So…. he and the druid concocted this plan to get in from underneath using the sewer tunnels and an earth elemental. Right. So, we did that.

The earth elemental tunneled to the vault chamber base, undermined a mortared stone portion of the floor, and the giant chunk of rock fell out, providing us access. Inside there was the item we were after, an Iron golem, and a bunch of anti-magic fields. The golem activated, and ripped the pedastal holding the item off of the floor. Well, this was troublesome. I went in but couldn't really do anything. Kethys managed to suppress the antimagic field for long enough that I could heal Thilius, who got his shit pushed in by the golem,

As we struggled to find a way to deal witht his, Caed did his best to disable the door from the inside, making it impossible (or nearly so) to open. Logru started wrangling with the golem, and miraculously managed to rip the pedastal out of the golem's hand, and leapt back into the tunnel with it. At the very instant the magic item broke free of the antimagic field, a delayed blast fireball went off right on top of us.

No one was dead, but most of us were quite hurt (Thilius -50, Logru 1, Kethys 5, Caed about a quarter down, and me half down), and the golem was on the move, after the item.

dd5/najila/reports/session36.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/07 23:11 by tara