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Session 38: Temple of Tyr and Bane

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After perusing the proclamations board for a bit, we decided to pursue the Temple of Tyr mission. Maybe the incessant insistence of the Paladin had something to do with it too. Maybe a lot to do with it.

We were directed to Councilman Bishop Braccio, High Priest of Tyr. He had a huge hat. He waved in a second man, name of Anton, Cleric of Tyr. He was an altar boy during the fall of Phlan. He's the last living person that knows where the caches of artifacts are that they want recovered in the old temple. We must take him with us and he shall lead us to them.

The commission is that we clear the temple and recover the holy artifacts. All other treasures in the caches plus any monster loot we may keep as our payment. The temple is currently overrun by orcs and half-orcs, run by a charismatic evil cleric, high priest of Bane named Mace (a half-orc).

Mace makes his home in a town house near the temple. All in the area seem to be followers of Bane and Mace. However, the monster presence on that side of the river is lighter and less organized despite this.

Bishop Braccio gave us a writ for a boat at the dock to get us across the river. We decided to land far from the plazas and make our way in from a distance.

The main mansion district didn't seem to have anyone on the walls or guarding the gate. We basically just slipped in without effort. The bat and druid did an initial scouting run, determining there were several patrol groups of orcs/half-orcs. We decided that we should probably clear them out one by one as we moved through the plaza. We set about doing this.

As we traveled down the street, our first encounter with monsters was a group of minotaurs. We quickly organized an ambush and took them out without too much difficulty, although Caed was almost caught in a not-so-great situation.

We headed along and decided to set up a patrol ambush in a set of buildings scouted out by Caed and Kethys. Logru was bait, playing it cool, since was a half-orc himself. Our ambush didn't go quite as we wanted, but we were able to slaughter the whole lot of them quite thoroughly.

We decided to press on, to find another patrol group while Kethys still had his wolf-spell running.

dd5/najila/reports/session38.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/03 00:47 by tara