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Session 48: Dungeon Crawl Part 1

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We returned to town and turned in our mission. And then, we picked up the mission for the dungeon crawl. We re-loaded up supplies, prepared ourselves for the sorts of the enemies we might face in the dungeon.

We traveled to the part of the city where they'd delved too deep. Inspecting, they'd punched through into what appeared to be an aqueduct of old, or something.

The sneakies amongst us crept forward inspecting. The rough hewn tunnel intersected with the aqueduct at a right angle, forming a T. A right turn into the aqueduct ended at a cave in. After inspection, it appeared the cave-in had been an intentional thing.

We then turned around, and went left instead. This ended in a room full of Quagoths. The battle was on! They were joined by 4 mind flayers and 2 Umberhulks. We had a lot of trouble with these enemies. Many of us were incapable of taking action, and the Paladin in particular was pretty well useless against them. The first two Mind Flayers I lobbed my hardest hitting attacks at to completely obliterate, hoping to free the party from their mind traps. Which I did…. but then, more came charging into the room, with a couple of Umberhulks to boot.

Logru, having been freed of his stunlock, was then subsequently imprisoned in some invisible, magical prison I could not penetrate. Quagoths swarmed everywhere. The two new Mind Flayers and Umberhulks lurked and casted/breathed things. I lobbed fireball after fireball into the room, and ended up clearing out almost all of the Quagoths, while putting some hurt on the Mind Flayers and Umberhulks themselves.

In the end, it was the willpower of our group to force their way through their mental prison that finally got the Mind Flayers taken care of. Once freed, the party didn't have much issue cleaning up the rest of the monster mob.

After we looted, we decided that it would behoove us to head back to town and sleep this arduous battle off.

dd5/najila/reports/session48.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/11 23:46 by tara