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Session 49: Dungeon Crawl Part 2

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Once the mind flayers and their minions were cleaned up, we stayed the night in a magical hut, recovering from an unexpectedly difficult battle.

We then disembarked, and got to mapping.

The sneakies proceeded first to clear the way, while Thilius cartographed our way forward. I came last because I'm noisy.

We found an office, a kitchen, some personal chambers along the hallways. As we proceeded, it became clear we were in a temporary dwarven settlement. I imagined something like a trade office. It appeared to date to ancient Phlan, rather than any time recently.

At least, we came to an archway before a room full of still-lit forges. A battle had taken place in the foyer before the archway, and there were dead Quagoth body parts strewn all over, and broken bits of armor and weapons.

Now this was suspicious.

As we proceed in, we discovered why. Some dwarven suits of armor and weapons started to animate with magic. Uh oh. We had no time to reform into a battle formation. Oh well! The battle was on.

Thanks to the paladin, I was able to retreat into the back, away from the melee. Logru and Thilius expertly held our front line while we managed the excessive mobs of animated armor and weapons. There were tons of them, like perhaps 20-30!

With some deft reforming and crowd control, we were able to get these guys down with minimal resources spent. I wondered what we'd find next…

dd5/najila/reports/session49.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/18 22:16 by tara