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Session 50: Dungeon Crawl Part 3

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We forged on ahead, and entered a room that had an extremely large forge and a bunch of statues. One came to life and spoke to us. His name was Gurm. He told us that the person forge belonged to was Dagmar Barrakurn, Dwarven master smith. Gurm is now an automaton, that used to be Dagmar's assistant back in the day.

The forge apparently had a combination lock to open it that is likely to do something bad if you enter the wrong combo. We decided to call Ohlo on his device to see if he could help us with the combo lock.

Ohlo had heard of him; he was of Archaic Phlan, ~900 years ago or so. Was probably part of an ancient Dwarven kingdom that no longer exists, and these ruins were probably an enclave where they could conduct business.

Ohlo was familiar with a rhyme he knew about him. Associated with the ancient citedel of Hammerkeep. He forged the axe for the king. Forged in a magical fire. Something like that. From Ohlo's rhyme, the combination seems to be: face, citadel, axe, fire, crown, diamond.

Part of Dagmar's legend was that he could create magical weapons and armor out of thin air. Thorgrym is one of Dagmar's creations. But the forge's powers were failing. Gurm could shut it down if we defeat the last two guardians (the other statues). All loot in this area was taken during the evacuation, which occurred because the black horde was coming. The black horde was a bast army of primarily Orcs and Ogres that swept out of the north and destroyed the city. The Dwarves evacuated all the personnel and artifacts, and Dagmar stayed to seal the forge.

The iron golems were some of Dagmar's masterworks… and we had to fight them.

They activated, and we got to it. It was an easier fight for us that some of the others we'd had coming up into here.

However, Kethys's earth elemental smashed open one of the three forges on the side of the room, and an elder elemental popped out to complicate the fight. So we had to defeat him as well.

But anyway, we were able to drop the golems and the elemental, who just did a lot of hitpoint damage to the melee guys.

Gurm then thanked us, and offered us a boon. For each one of us, an upgrade of any of our armor or gear (+1), or will craft us all a new suit with a base (+1) of a special metal. I chose to upgrade my already awesome chainmail.

The boys chose each of theirs as well (most accepted an upgrade).

dd5/najila/reports/session50.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/15 23:03 by tara