With the preparations done, we went forward with our attack. The bulk of our forces attacked from the coast, while we and a small force snuck in through the underworld to get into the Imperial Manse.
The distraction worked, and we made our way towards the manse. Unfortunately, we encountered an unforeseen issue in that the tainted essence from the manse was trying to taint us as well. Indeed, I could feel the taint starting to worm its way inside of me. But luckily, I still had my full faculties.
We scaled the walls, Rath and Isha made it up first and were taking fire from the essence cannons on the parapets. By the time I made it up there, they had managed to take care of some of the cannons, but were being attacked by a couple of Infernals. After a pitched battle, one fled after he was severely wounded, while I managed to snipe the other down.
But then an old men in black appeared. His powers were strong, and he was difficult to hit. I knew I just needed to hit once though. So I channeled my energy into making a perfect powerful shot, one charged with holy essence that struck as if it were three. That put him down, which apparently affected the essence flows of the manse, as the magic could no longer hold the giant jade walls up and they came tumbling down.