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Chapter 21: More Fey Weighing Them Down

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Leviathan informed the four solars that he'd sent a squad down to check the pumps on the malfunctioning level and they had not returned. Searing interrogated the computer system and it reported that it could not assess the state of the pumps because its connection to them was severed. No way to tell why they were no longer working. Obvious response was to head down and check the area out in person. And so, they did.

While avoiding the citizenry for the same reasons as earlier, the group headed down into the bowels of sunken city. The city was a large circle. Once heading down, there were but two ways to go, right or left.

They decided on right.

The group walked until they hit a door just before the end of the section (and the computers had said the issue was in THIS section) and Grant spotted something in the water, which he promptly shot. VoltAz snuck into the room at the end of the right corridor and informed everyone that it appeared acolytes of some sort were hanging out in the room around some altar or other. The group headed in and made minced meat out of the acolytes.

Problem was that everything seemed to be in order here in this room, so apparently this direction had been the wrong choice. Back out in the corridor they went, heading back left.

In this direction they met with much more resistance. It was clear from all the weirdness in the air – like Isha's breath turning into small diamond crystals as if it was ice and falling to the floor – that they were up against some fey. Only fey made sense when things didn't make sense.

Some monsters came up out of the water channel at them and others from down the hallway…. the solars engaged. And with some effort took them down. But these were only the lackeys or mini-bosses, as it were. Once they hit the end of the tunnel, it became clear that there were four fey. One caster caste, two fighter castes, and one some other caste. The group hunkered down and after a harrowing battle full of weirdness, the fey were defeated.

Into the pump room they went. It was like a giant heartstone bleeding motes everywhere. It felt dangerous. All internal alarms went off inside of Isha's mind. Searing seemed to know what to do though, apparently there were some controls or other which he took command of and had the machinery ease the hearthstone back into its holder. The bleeding essence subsided and the sound of the pumps flooded room as the city began to right itself slowly.

The solars returned to the control room to discuss the next step with Leviathan. The city would surface, then resubmerge just below the surface and begin to move east, heading to the imperial city by way of south of the imperial isle. Once it reached the imperial city it would remain just off shore and submerged until time to attack.

But was it enough?

empress/protagonists/isha/reports/report21.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/18 02:55 by tara